Chimp! The Devious Definition Game

40,00 zł

Gra znanej firmy Cheatwell Games, świetna na speaking, 4 talie oryginalnie zafoliowane. Brakuje marker discs oraz instrukcji, bez których gra i tak się potoczy 😉

Weird & wonderful words Hilarious definitions 384 topics! It is the game of truth or bluff. The game is based on definitions of weird and wonderful words. Can you tell which are fakes and which are strange but true? You gain points either by guessing correctly or by deceiving the other players. On each card there is a topic, which is the word on the top, followed by three definitions, one is true but the other two are fake.

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Gra znanej firmy Cheatwell Games, świetna na speaking, 4 talie oryginalnie zafoliowane. Brakuje marker discs oraz instrukcji, bez których gra i tak się potoczy 😉

Weird & wonderful words Hilarious definitions 384 topics! It is the game of truth or bluff. The game is based on definitions of weird and wonderful words. Can you tell which are fakes and which are strange but true? You gain points either by guessing correctly or by deceiving the other players. On each card there is a topic, which is the word on the top, followed by three definitions, one is true but the other two are fake.